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  • AUB Admission is ongoing for Summer - 2025 (May to August) 
  • AUB Admission is ongoing for Summer - 2025 (May to August)  
  • To verify your document please email us at 
  •  *** is our only website. All other websites in the name of AUB are fake. So everyone is warned not to be deceived. But student verification is done from   
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Vision of AUB:


To become a leading provider of best quality international standard higher education in Bangladesh to produce globally competitive professionals who will be devoted to the service of the country and humanity as a whole,

 and to be distinguished in research and innovation.  


Mission of AUB:


  • To deliver high quality affordable tertiary education and training using state of the art educational technologies by world-class educators in a student friendly environment;
  • To ensure distinguishing graduate attributes along with ethical values for all students;
  • To produce top quality research outputs and innovation as a partner of developing Bangladesh and beyond.


Objectives of AUB:



To provide quality education in the most cost-effective manner resulting in creating graduates of high quality who will be professionally skilled, morally upright and socially responsible citizens;


To impart knowledge through excellence in learning, research, innovation, discovery and engagement in the practical field;


To acquaint the students with the latest research and provide state of the art knowledge, skills and exposure to futuristic ideas on science, technology and development; and


To encourage human capital development and build leadership qualities in science, engineering, business, humanities, education and any other field/s so as to meet national and global needs.