Mohammed Mohsin Miyan
Head and Associate Professor
Department of English
Department of English intends to adopt a curriculum which will be modern, updated and practical. It will focus on building high quality manpower who will be professionally unbiased and morally upright.
Mission: Our mission is to produce world class professionals who will be able to make their mark in both home and abroad. The English department hopes to train people in such a manner so that they would become world class graduates who can compete at any level.
Objective: The Department of English intends to develop a manpower which will be equipped with all the uptodate knowledge of language and literature to face the challenges of the modern world.
Name of the Offered Degrees:
i. B. A in English
ii. M. A in English
Graduate Attributes (based on need assessment)
- Department of English intends to impart knowledge and education which will be conducive to students
- The curriculum is based on the highest quality course materials to meet the standard of home and abroad.
- The department assigned the best quality professionals to formulate a plan for the curriculum of English.
- The courses are designed to deliver the highest quality professionals who will be proficient in oral and written English.
- The students will be well groomed with world literature and culture as well with integrated courses.
- Upon admission, most of the fresher’s undergo rigorous training of classes, seminars, and tutorials to motivate them towards comprehensive knowledge of human, culture, psychology and pedagogy.