I am very much happy to have this opportunity to say something through this message to my students, prospective students in particular and to the library professionals and information users in general. Information is power. Nothing can be achieved without having right information in the right time regardless of study, teaching and research. Thus the overall development of a nation depends on the volume of information its people have access to. The MSS in Information Science and Library Management (ISLM) program of AUB provides students with advanced knowledge and skills in information and librarianship enabling them to be apt in information generation, collection, processing, preservation, conservation and dissemination on Just in Time basis. Our curriculum covers a field practicum where the students will undergo internship and undertake research with an objective to apply theoretical knowledge and attain skills necessary for professional practice which may help solve information collection, processing and dissemination problems both in traditional and virtual form to help develop research, study, teaching and good governance in both private and public sectors. After successful completion of the program, the students are expected to get jobs in High School, Madrasah, College, University libraries and also in other government and private organizations.
Our records show that almost all the passed out students, since the inception of this department in 2008 have been able to get jobs in the libraries of different educational and research organizations. It may be mentioned here that there are about 10,000 vacant posts of library professionals in different organizations of the country. So the job seeker graduate can take the opportunity to equip him/herself with library science degree and can escape unemployment curse of his/her life.
I feel happy to give this message to the unemployed graduates of the country to think about AUB’s ISLM department to have a Master degree in Information Science and Library Management which will surely help him/her to have a job thus enabling him/her to be able to engage in nation building activities.