Welcome of the Department of Islamic History & Civilization (IHC) at Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB).The Department of Islamic History & Civilization, AUB is one of the unique Departments in Bangladesh. The curriculum offered by our department has been designed in accordance with different renowned universities around the world. This Department provides opportunities to students to get quality education in Islamic History & Civilization. The Department of Islamic History & Civilization has been taught at Asian University of Bangladesh since 2006. Over the course of time, The Department is a present one of the largest Department of AUB .The Department offers specialized education in almost all the branch of History & Civilization. The Department has a high prolific curriculum and Development committee which makes sure that the academic curriculum of all the program be updated enough to address the 21st century national & international global issues concerned. The Department offer unique opportunities for its students to consult with its faculty members on diverse issues. It offers computer and internet facilities for Teachers & Students as well for updated themselves with the contemporary world.
This discipline has been taught to the Graduates to make them more familiar with national & global, political-socio phenomena and issues. The Department provided students with a prolific and compressive knowledge in all courses of Islam, History, Civilization & Society. A substantial number of scholars of international reputation, political leaders leading bureaucrats and civil society members are the ex-students of the Department of Islamic History & Civilization.
Now in a day we have extended the facilities to enhance our research activities in different courses; moreover, we frequently arrange workshop, seminars and academic contests for students and extracurricular activities. Explore the merits of our students involve in organizing the events to improve their leadership and quality. We are working forward to welcoming brilliant students.
Thanking you.