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At present I am working at Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB), as an Assistant professor and departmental Head of Economics Department. I completed my Honours and Master degree from Rajshahi Uiversity. In October 2011, I achieved my Ph.D Degree in Economics from University Utara Malaysia (UUM). My primary research field was measuring and studying women empowerment. My research interests are the women empowerment, economic development, ethics in business etc. I have six (6) years teaching experience at university level and seven (7) published articles, 6 conference papers and 1 book in 2022. I am also working as an Editorial member of Journal for Service Quality Enhancement (JSQE), Bangladesh and Reviewer Board Member of ATSK journal of Economics, Pakistan as well as Consultant of Center for Service Quality Enhancement (CSQE). I am also serving as a Committee Member of different programs and event like as Closing Ceremony, annual sports, Exam etc.


Research Area:
i. Development Economics



Ongoing Researches:
1. Socio Economic impact of online small business on womenEntrepreneur in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study

2. 30 years’ consumption pattern of Natural Gas by sector in Bangladesh.


Conference Papers:

1. Sadeq A. H. M., Sikder Z. I. and Nessa T., “COVID-19 and Higher Education in Bangladesh: A Case for Dual Modes of Education. Biennial conference of Bangladesh Economic Association”.  Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, Ramna, Dhaka 23-24 December 2021.

2. Tasqurun Nessa, “Business Ethics in Basic Economic Problems and Economic Activities”. International conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD). Green university of Bangladesh, 23-24 December 2021.

3.Tasqurun Nessa, “Trend of contribution on GDP of different sectors in Bangladesh from 1971 to 2020”, Conference on The Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh in 2021, Jahangirnagar University.

4. Tasqurun Nessa, “Approach of Measuring and Studying Women Empowerment”. International Conference on Ontario International Development Agency (OIDA), Canada. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya, Malaysia, December 5-7, 2011.

5. Tasqurun Nessa, Jamal Ali, Roslan Abdul Hakim, “The Impact of Microcredit Program on Women Empowerment: Evidence from Bangladesh”. International Conference on Ontario International Development Agency (OIDA), Canada. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya, Malaysia, December 5-7, 2011
6. Tasqurun Nessa, “The Impact of MFI on Women Empowerment: Evidence from Rajshahi Division in Bangladesh”. International Conference on Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA), USA. 7th AGBA World Congress. University Putra Malaysia, 1-3 December 2010.



1. University Utara Malaysia, Ph.D. in Development Economics

2. Rajshahi University, MSc in Economics

3. Rajshahi University, BSc in Economics