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Dr.Md Osman Ghani has achieved BA (Hon's) & MA degree In Islamic History & Culture from Rajshahi University. He obtained his PhD degree from same University in 2000 on a scholarship from the Bangladesh University Grants Commission. In November, 2017 he joined the Asian University of Bangladesh as a professor in the Department of Islamic History & Civilization. He is currently the Head of the Department & Dean of the school of arts. Since last August 2022, He is performing the additional duties of the Provost of Allamah Abdul Khaleque Hall.  He has published several scholarly articles in various academic journals. He also presented his research papers at several national & International conferences. He has six academic books. His article on "Society & social stratification" in the book of History of Bangladesh recently published by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh has been widely appreciated. His areas of Interest are Religion, Society & Culture in medieval Bengal. He has worked for NGO as a chairman, BSDA; a reputed NGO works at North Bengal. He has also been involved in volunteer work for various organizations such as being Vice president of Bangladesh society for study of Culture & Religion. He is also the life member of Asiatic Society, Bangla academy, ltihasa Samity, Itisaha Parishad, Organization of Islamic Art & Poschim Banga Itihasa Samsad, Calcutta. He travelled to Saudi Arabia,Nepal,Bhutan etc.

List of research Area: Religion, Society and Culture.

List of ongoing Research:

1.“Padma Bridge: The Magic Wand of Development”

 2. “Bangabandhu:Portrait of a Compassionate Leader

 3. Dr.MA Bari: Jibon O Darson

 4. ABM Hussain: Itihasa Chorchay tar Dristibhangi”



*2000 - Ph D from Rajshahi University in the field of study being “Everyday life in the Sultanate Bengal” under the fellowship of Bangladesh University Grants Commission.

*1980 - M.A in Islamic History and Culture Group-C (Islamic Art and Architecture) Achievement: Upper Second Class (1st Position), Rajshahi University.

*1979 - B.A. (Honours) in Islamic History and Culture, Achievement: Upper Second Class (5th Position), Rajshahi University.

*1975 - HSC (Group in Humanities), Achievement: Second Division, Chirirbander College, Dinajpur, Rajshahi Board.

*1972 - SSC (Group in Humanities), Achievement: First Division, Rajarampur High School, Rajshahi, Rajshahi Board.



List of Courses/Seminars Attended


1. Attended and participated Research Methodology Course organized by Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka on 15.07.1987 to 28.07.1987.

2. Attended and participated Foundation Training Course organized by National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) Dhaka on 08.11.1993 to 06.01.1994

3. Attended and participated College Teachers Training Course organized by National University, Dhaka on 13.01.1995 to 23.02.1995

4. Attended and participated Financial Administration Training Course organized by Regional Public Administration Training Centre (RPATC), Rajshahi on 06.07.2002 to 18.07.2002

5. Attended and participated Second Computer Application & English Language Course organized by Regional Public Administration Training Centre (RPATC),  Rajshahi on 18.10.2003 to 09.11.2003

6.  Attended and successfully participated ‘Lokoj Sangiskritir Bikas’ Traning workshop organized by Bangla Academy, Dhaka on 21 to 22. 06, 2011

7. Attended and participated Master Trainer Training on Creative Question Setting, Moderating and Marketing Course organized by Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (SESIP), Dhaka on 09.03 to 14.03 & 30.03.2013 to 04.04.2013

8. Attended and participated Master Trainer Training on National Curriculum 2012 Dissemination Course organized by Secondary Education Sector Development Project (SESDP), Dhaka on 02.04.2015 to 07.04.2015

9. 17th Advanced Course on Education and Management (ACEM) Training Course, organized by National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) Dhaka on  05.10.2015 to 18.11.2015


1 Attended and participated in International Symposium on Dhaka Past Present Future, organized by Asiatic society of Bangladesh Dhaka on 16.11.1989 to 19.11.1989

2. Attended and participated in Eleventh International History Conference organized by Itihasa Samity, Dhaka on 08.11.1996 to 10.11.1996

3. Attended and participated Thirty-two International Conference organized by Itihasa Parisad, Rajshahi on 21.01.2001 to 26.01.2001

4. Seventeenth International Conference organized by International Association of Historian of Asia (IAHA) Ashulia, Dhaka on 18.12.2002 to 22.12.2002

5. Attended and Presented a Paper titled “myjZvwb evsjvq †ivM I wPwKrmvÓ, organized by Itihasa Parisad, Dhaka on 16.04.2004

6. Attended and participated Folk Culture Workshop organized by Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka on 26.06.2007 to 28.06.2007

7. Attended and Presented a paper titled “myjZvwb evsjvq we‡bv`b PP©vÓ, organized by Itihasa Samity, Dhaka on 27.03.2008 to 29.03.2008

8. Attended and Presented in History Conference organized by Itihasa Parisad Cox’s Bazar on 24.04.2009 to 25.04.2009

9. Attended and Presented a paper titled “w`bvRcyi †RjLvbv gmwR‡`i BwZnvm I ¯’vcwZ¨K HwZn¨Ó, Itihasa Parisad Dhaka University on 20.05.2011 to 21.05.2011

10. Attended and Presented a paper titled “myjZvwb evsjvq evmM„n ev¯‘ cwi‡ekÓ  in History Conference organized by Itihasa Samity, Khulna on 22.11.2012 to 23.11.2012

11. Attended & presented a paper titled, “myjZvwb Avg‡j evsjvi Rxeb Ph©vÓ, Organized by Itihasa Parisad, 30 April to  01 May 2016

12. Attended and participated Golden Jubilee Celebrations, organized by Bangladesh Itihasa Samity, Dhaka University on December 9, 2016

13. Attended and participated 47th International Annual Seminar, organized by Bangladesh Itihasa Parisad, Dhaka on April 28, 2017.

14. Attended and participated National Conference organized by Bangladesh Itihasa Samity, Dhaka on November 10-11, 2017.

15. Attended & presented a paper titled, “euvkevwo mgvwa : GKwU Abv‡jvwPZ cÖZœ m¤ú`Ó, Organized by Itihasa Parisad, Dhaka 27-28 April 2018

16. Attended and presented a paper titled, “An Unknown Pir & his Tomb at Thakurgaon”, Organized by 13th International Congress Khulna on Bengal Art on 09 to 12 Februray, 2019

17. Attended and presented a paper titled, “Archaeological Remains of Thakurgaon District”, at the 8th SSEASR Conference Organized by the Center for Archaeological Studies, ULAB, Dhaka June 13-16,


18. Attended & presented a paper titled “Bangabandhu:Portrait of a Compassionate Leader” jointly organized by international institute of people’s History (IIPH) & Bangabandhu institute of comparative literature & Culture, Jahangirnagar University,12 December 2021.

19. & presented a paper titled “ABM Hussain: Itihasa Chorchay tar Dristibhangi” organized by Itihasa Parishad,Dhaka University. 21-22 January 2023.