I am Dr. Muhammad Enamul Haq Azad, Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Asian University of Bangladesh. Currently serving as Head of Islamic Studies Department. I was a 1st batch student of Islamic University. I completed my graduation in 1988. M.A from Dhaka University in 1990 and in 2007 I got the Ph. D certificate. I joined Asian university as a lecturer on September 5, 2008. My work time in this university is about 16 years. During this long time I have been giving time and effort to protect the interests of Islamic Studies department and this university with sincerity according to my ability. I wish prosperity and prosperity for my department and university. At the same time I wish good health and long life to all the members of the authority including the respected founder of the university. All the subjects I have already taught are Comparative Legal Systems, Islamic `Aqidah, Islamic Ethics, Fiqh of Ibadat, Biography of the Prophet SAW, Tafsir I, Fiqh al-Mu`amalat wa al-Jinayat, Al-Hadith, Comparative Religion, Readings in Kalam, Research Methodology, Shari`ah and Codification of Islamic Law, Islamic Spiritual Science and its Development, The Objective of the Shariah, Islam, Science and Technology etc.
Research Areas:
i. Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Mankind, Society, and Islamic Law.
Ongoing Researches:
1. Human Rights and Responsibilities: A Review.
List of completed thesis/projects:
1. Moulana Muhammad Abdur Rahim(R) and his contribution to Islamic Science and Politics.
Educational Qualifications:
* Dakhil - Feni Alia Madrasha (1981) - 1st Division
* Alim - Tomchar Islamia Senior Madrasha (1983) - 2nd Disivison
* Fazil - 1985 - 1st Division
* BA (Hons) - 1988 - 2nd Division
* MA - University of Dhaka - 1990 - 1st Division
* Dip. In Arabic - University of Dhaka - 1993 - 2nd Division
*1st Part M. Phil. - University of Dhaka - 1994
* Ph. D - University of Dhaka - 2007
List of Research and Publications:
1| ÒD”PZi wk¶vq ˆbwZKZv: GKwU ch©v‡jvPbvÓ, , `v BmjvwgK BDwbfvwm©wU ÷vwWR, `v d¨vKvjwU Ae `v j GÐ kwiqvn, BmjvwgK BDwbfvwm©wU, Kzwóqv: fwjDg bs-1, RyjvB2016 Bs, c„. 143-160|
2| ÔÔAvjøvgv gynv¤§v` inxg (int) t Bmjvwg Ávb M‡elYvq Zvui Ae`vbÓ BmjvwgK ÷vwWR Rvb©vj Ae W. wmivRyj nK BmjvwgK wimv©P †m›Uvi, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq, 1g LÛ, Rvby-wW‡mÕ 2006 Bs, c„. 299-309|
3 | Ò gvIjvbv b~i †gvnv¤§` AvRgx (int) I Zvui iPbvejx Ó BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb cwÎKv, 53 el© 2q msL¨v, Bdv M‡elYv wefvM, XvKvt A‡±vei-wW‡m¤^i 2013 Bs, 149-161|
4| we. GW. BmjvwgqvZ, ¯§„wZ cÖKvkbx, bxj‡¶Z, XvKv t cÖKvkKvj-2000|
5| ÒBmjv‡g bvixi AwaKviÓ gvwmK Avj dziKvb, XvKv t wW‡m¤^i, 1994|
6| ÔÔHwZnvwmK e`i hy‡×i Zvrch© I wk¶vÓ ‰`wbK Avj gyRv‡Ï`, XvKv t 29-01-1997 |
7| ÔÔgymwjg D¤§vni HK¨ cÖqv‡m Avjøvgv Ave`yi inxg (int) Gi f~wgKvÓ dwiqv`, XvKv t A‡±vei, 1999|
8| gnvRxebt ÒWt gynv¤§` knx`yjøvnÓ I Ò‡gŠjfx gynv¤§v` ewki Djøvn f~Tv (int)Ó Avj wgbvi,
XvKv t RyjvB- †m‡Þ¤^i, 1999|
9| gnvRxebt ÒAvj wKw›`Ó I ÒgvIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg (int)Ó Avj wgbvi,
XvKvt A‡±vei-wW‡m¤^i, 1999|
10| ÒZz”Q m¤ú‡`i †gv‡n Av”Qbœ gvbylÓ, gvwmK ms¯‹vi, XvKvt gvP© 2016|
11| ag© wk¶v wk¶Y (we. GW.), ¯§„wZ eBNi ,bxj‡¶Z, XvKv t cÖKvkKvj 2007|
12| ÒBmjvgx A_© I e¨vswKs e¨e¯’vi w`K wb‡`©kbvq gvIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg (int)Ó (†mwgbv‡ii cÖeÜ)|
13| ÒcÖPwjZ ivRbxwZ I gvIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg (int)-Gi wPšÍv- `k©bÓ(†mwgbv‡ii cÖeÜ)|
14| ÔAciva cÖwZ‡iv‡a Bmjvgx wk¶vi cÖfvi Ó †gavÕ ¯§iwbKv, BmjvwgK ÷vwWR wefvM,
Gwkqvb BDwbfvwm©wU Ae evsjv‡`k , XvKv t 2009 Bs |
15| BfwUwRs t mgm¨v I mgvavb, gvwmK Avb bvev, Ryb 2010, gvwmK MwZwewa-‡m‡Þ¤^i 2010,
gvwmK ms¯‹vi-Ryb I RyjvB 2011, eyK‡jU 2010 Bs |
16| ÒØxwb Kv‡Ri mdjZvi Rb¨ KwZcq Riæix kZ©vejxÓ ‡gav,¯§iwbKv,
BmjvwgK ÷vwWR wefvM, Gwkqvb BDwbfvwm©wU Ae evsjv‡`k ,XvKv:2011 Bs|
17| ÒBmjv‡gi Rb¨ wb‡ew`Z-Z¨vMx cyiæl nv‡dR gynv¤§` nvexeyi ingvb (ent)Ó, gvwmK `vIqvZ, XvKvt wW‡m¤^i-2012|
18| Ò KziAvb KwYKv: eZ©gvb mg‡q Avgv‡`i c‡_i w`kvÓ, gvwmK `vIqvZ, XvKvt gvP©-2013|
19| Ò‡`‡k Pjgvb wbe©vPbx Wvgv‡Wvj I AvgivÓ, gvwmK `vIqvZ, XvKvt †m‡Þ¤^i-2013|
20| ÒgvIjvbv Ave`yi inxg (int) Gi PwiÎ gvayh©Ó, gvwmK `vIqvZ, XvKvt A‡±vei-2013|
21| ÒKzb~‡Z bv‡hjv I Gi weavbÓ, gvwmK `vIqvZ, XvKvt Rvbyqvix-2014|
22| Òag© I ivRbxwZÓ gvwmK `vIqvZ, XvKvt A‡±vei-2014|
23| Òe¨emv‡q ‰bwZKZvÓ, cÖKvwkZ, BmjvwgK ÷vwWR wefvMxq ¯§iwYKv|
24| ÒBmjvgx iv‡óªi cwiPq I Gi MVb cÖYvjxÓ, gvwmK ms¯‹vi, XvKvt A‡±vei-2015|
25| Òf~wgK¤ú t Bmjvgx `„wó †KvYÓ , gvwmK ms¯‹vi, XvKvt
২৬। আল্লামা মুহাম্মাদ আবদরু রহীম (র.) - ইসলামী জ্ঞান গববষণায় তাাঁর অবদান