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Dr. Mohammad Arifur Rahman is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Islamic Studies at the Asian University of Bangladesh. He was born in Chittagong in 1981. Dr. Arif attained his bachelor`s and master’s degree in Arabic from the University of Chittagong in 2005 and 2006 respectively. He obtained another master`s degree in Islamic Studies in 2009. Dr. Arif was awarded his Ph.D. from the University of Dhaka in 2017. After completing his graduation, Dr. Arif joined a college as a Lecturer. Latterly he worked in various educational and research institutes in academic and administrative areas. 

Dr. Arif puts a lot of his time into writing books, columns, articles and juvenile literature. He mainly writes for children and younger readers. He started his writing at a very early age. When he was a school student, he wrote many stories, poems, and articles. A couple of books have currently been published by various reputed publications of Bangladesh. Lots of his research articles have been published in various reputed journals and magazines. Dr. Arif is well-known as a juvenile litterateur and an Islamic researcher. Some of his notable books are Study of Sirah In Bangla, Mowlana Akram Khan and his Mostafa Charita, Islamic Calligraphy, Nazrul`s Islamic views etc. Some of his remarkable works for children's literature are Quranic Story, Hadith`s Story, Life of previous prophets, Life of prophet Mohammad (sm.), Sahaba Stories, Family of Prophet (sm) Story of Omar (rd) etc. He also writes columns in newspapers and magazines in contemporary and Islamic issues.

Dr. Arif is also involved in various educational, cultural and social institutions. He is the life member of Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT), life member of Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB), life member of social welfare organization `Monjil’ etc. He joined many national and international seminars and symposiums. He also visited many countries of the world.