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Prof. MD Zakir Hossain was born in 1957 in a renowned Muslim family from Begumgonj, Noakhali. He was educated at the University of Dhaka and earned his Graduation (BSS Hons.) & Masters (MSS) in Social Science in 1980-81. As a Teacher & Management specialist in profession, He's currently a Professor of Government & Politics in Asian University of Bangladesh. He's a lifetime member of Dhaka University Registered Graduates Association & Bangladesh Political Science Association. As a renowned philanthropist he served as Charter Secretary of Rotary Club of Dhaka Scholars.

As an Academic professional & management executive, Mr. Zakir has been serving as Professor & Co-ordinator of the Department of Government & Politics, Director of Admission, Campus Coordinator of Rajshahi & Bogra of Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) for the last 22 years. He also participated in international academic conferences & published insightful papers on Ethics in Public Administration, Government Systems, Contemporary domestic issues & Local government. He is a Life fellow of Bangladesh Society for Private University Academics (BSPUA).

As a Business & Financial management Specialist, Mr. Zakir was an experienced associate of Export oriented garments and textile. In his earliest capacity he was a Member of BGMEA (Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association) in 1984-85. His beginning contributions to the budding garments industry of Bangladesh turned into the biggest foreign currency revenue generation of the country. Also, as a Member of FBCCI (Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industries) in 1984-85, He envisioned employment and labor policies to empower the impoverished people in the capital city of Dhaka till 2001.

As a humanitarian and philanthropist, Mr. Zakir was a Charter Secretary of Rotary Club of Dhaka Scholars in 2016-17 under the Prestigious international charity organization of Rotary International District (RID-3281) . On His journey in service above self He served as Assistant Governor of Rotary International District (RID-3281) in 2024-25. Also, His service as Educationist, He founded the Al-Faruk Trust & Academy in Noakhali and Tajkiatul Ummah Education & Health Foundation in Dhaka.

Rtn. Prof. MD Zakir Hossain, as an experienced Educationist, Political Scientist & Social worker, his current mission is to serve his beloved motherland with a view to develop competent educational policies & systems to empower skilled human resources for obtaining a Developed, Sustainable & Prosperous Bangladesh.




Name of the Institutions




Division/ Class 




Year of Passing

Chittagong Police Institution

S.S.C (Science)

2nd Division



Kabirhat College

H.S.C (Humanities)

2nd Division



Dhaka University

BSS (Hons) Political Science

2nd Class

Dhaka Un.


Dhaka University

MSS in Political Science

2nd Class

Dhaka Un.



Work Experience:

A. Duration of time: 1983 to 1985.

     Designation: Founder Principal,

     Al Faruque Academe, Maijdee Court, Noakhali.

B. Duration of time: 2001 to 2004

     Designation: Per-time Faculty Member,

     Department of Government and Politics

     Asian University of Bangladesh.

C. Duration of time: 27-04-2004 to 31-05-2004

     Designation: Junior Lecturer, AUB.

D. Duration of time: 01-06-2004 to 01-04-2006

     Designation: Lecturer, AUB.

E. Duration of time: 01-06-2006 to 12-06-2012

     Designation: Senior Lecturer, AUB

F. Duration of time: 13-06-2012 to 25-02-2022

    Designation: Assistant Professor, AUB.

G. Duration of time: 26-02-2022 to till date

    Designation: Associate Professor, AUB.

Additional Academic and Administrative Responsibilities Performed during this period: 

a. Coordinator: Department of Government and Politics, AUB Main Campus in 2004.

b. Coordinator: RRC, Bogora, AUB in 2009.

c. Coordinator: Rajshahi Campus, AUB in 2012.

d. Director Admission and Records, AUB

    Duration : 26-02-2021 to 30-12-2023

Extra Academic Responsibilities:

i..Serve as a Member Secretary of the 9th Anniversary Observance Committee in 2005.

ii. Serve as a Member Secretary of Committee for Quality Assurance of AUB in 2007.

iii. Serve as a Member Secretary of Standing Committee for International Seminar of AUB in 2008.

iv. Serve as a Convener of Cultural Competition Committee of AUB in 2008.

Publications of Articles: (International/ National)

1. Title: Ethics in Public Administration: Bangladesh Perspective.

     Vol-7, Issue-3. 1 April 2017 ISSN 2206-4370

     Name of Journal: Australasian Journal of La, Ethics and Governance, (AJLEG).

2. Title: “Human Rights Violation of Rohingya: Bangladesh- Myanmar Perspectives”.

    Name of Journal: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences       (IJHSS). ISSN (Print): 2319-393x; ISSN (Ontine): 2319-3948; Vol-7, Issue-3,          April – May 2018.


3. Title: Towards A Green. World: an Islamic Perspective.

    Name of Journal: International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review.

    ISSN- 0976-4852. Vol-09, Issue-08, August 2018.

4. Title: Nature and Tends of Islamic Judicial System: A Comparative Study.

    Name of Journal: International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review.

    ISSN- 0976-4852, Vol-9, Issue-12, 12 December 2018.

5. Title: The Nature of Islamic Judicial System: A review Center of Advanced     Research in Social Sciences University Dhaka. Published by ISSN/ISBN/984-31-    0315-7, Vol-06, on 2010, page No. 85 to 102.

6. ইসলামের বিচার ব্যবস্থার প্রকৃতি: একটি পরযালোচনা: Regt. No. DA/20/76 A     quarterly Research of the Islamic foundation Bangladesh. 1st year, 3(third Issue)     Published by  Islamic foundation Patrika, January to March 2018, Page No-26-59.

7. The Role of Zakat to Develop the socio Economic condition of Bangladesh.

    Reg. DA/20/76, Publication third part 45, January 2006, page no. 98 to 110.


    Vol 15 / No 1 / Jul-Dec 2023 P-ISSN: 0975-721X, E-ISSN: 2582-6689.

    Date: Jul-Dec 2023

9. The Nature of Influence of Political Parties on the Local Self- government     Elections in  Bangladesh: Some Policy Recommendations.  

    DOI: Date: 15-08-2023          

10. Title:  Intelligence and National Security: Bangladesh Perspective

     Name of Journal: International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review.

     (Submitted for Publications) on 31-05-2021.


  1. Attend National on Reformation of Education. Organized by Ministry of Education and Sponsored by former President General Ziaur Rahman in Old National Assembly House as a selected students form Dhaka University in 1979.
  2. Attend as a member of International Leadership Training Camp Programmer for 30 days held in Bangladesh. Organized by “WAMY” (World Assembly of Muslim Youth) in 1979 along with 23 Muslim Countries students’ leaders.
  3. Attended in an International Leadership Training Comp. Organized by “IIFSO” International Islamic Federation of Students Organizations in Karala, India for 30 days in 1982.
  4. Attended Workshop Organized by Association for Law Research of Human Rights (ALERT) Journalists Unit on ‘Journalism and Human Rights Related Law’ held in Dhaka National Press Club on 7th April, 2003.