The objective of the MSS in Sociology and Anthropology Program is to provide students with advanced knowledge on human social life, groups and societies. The curriculum covers wider knowledge on social interactions and different social systems which will be helpful for the students to know about themselves and to develop awareness of cultural differences and also prepare and build up career in different GOs & NGOs, CPD, BDRC etc. by applying theoretical and empirical knowledge of Sociology and Anthropology.
Entry Requirements
The entry requirement for the MSS in Sociology and Anthropology is a Bachelor’s degree or any other equivalent level of education recognized by the competent authority.
Admission into the MSS in Sociology and Anthropology is on a competitive basis. Candidates are selected for admission on the basis of past academic records, written tests and/or a viva examination.
Graduation Requirements
A student with a Bachelor’s Degree (Hon’s) in Sociology or Master (Preliminary) in Sociology will have to complete 42 credit hours (Group A), while a student with a Bachelor’s Degree (pass) in Sociology will have to complete 60 credit hours (Group B), and a student with a Bachelor’s Degree in any other discipline will require 66 credit hours (Group C) to complete the MSS in Sociology and Anthropology. A student must obtain at least a ‘C’ grade to pass any individual course.
The minimum number of credit hours that a student must take per semester is 18 and the maximum is 24. This may be relaxed only with special permission of the appropriate authority. Maximum academic years of completion are 3 years.
Course distribution
GED Courses: 2 Courses (6 credits hours) |
0922-3222 |
Human Resource Development |
0922-2203 |
Demographic Issues: Policy, Planning and Services |
Core courses: 6 courses (18 credits hours) |
0314-5102 |
Deviant Behavior |
0314-5205 |
Theory of Social Change |
0314-5207 |
Classical Sociological Theory |
0542-6310 |
Social Statistics |
0314-6311 |
Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment |
0314-6419 |
Sociology of Youth |
Minor course or Elective courses: A Group 6 courses (18 credit hours), B Group 12 courses (36 credit hours), C Group 14 courses (42 credit hours) |
0314-5101 |
Basic of Sociology |
0314-5103 |
Contemporary Social Systems |
0314-5104 |
Sociology of Bangladesh |
0314-5106 |
Theories of social Problems |
0314-5107 |
Sociology of Marriage and Family |
0314-5109 |
Contemporary social Structure of Bangladesh |
0314-5313 |
Social Stratification and inequality |
0314-5319 |
Research Methodology |
0314-5320 |
Applied Research Methodology |
0314-5727 |
Water Policies and Development |
0314-5206 |
Sociology of Capitalism, Secularism and Islam |
0314-5208 |
Religion and Society |
0314-5209 |
Development Studies |
0314-5210 |
Sociology of Modernity |
0314-6313 |
Contemporary Sociological Theories |
0314-5214 |
Medical Sociology |
0314-6314 |
Sociology of Agrarian Societies |
0314-6415 |
Problems and Issues of Development in South Asia |
Capstone Courses/Internship/Thesis/Projects: 3 credit hours |
0314-6416 |
Thesis Project |
0922-2203 Demographic Issue-Policy, Planning and Services
Students are introduced to various topics related to population and demography, such as demographic data collection, theories of population and historical evolution of population policy in Bangladesh, family planning program in Bangladesh, role of NGOs in population control in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh population, and instruments of population control.
0922-3222 Human Resource development
By accomplishing this course, student will be able to understand the indicators of human development, its importance and how population can be transformed from burden to resources.
0314-5101 Basic of Sociology
This course attempts to covers the fundamental concept of sociology which provides the understanding of the key concepts in sociology, ability to use sociological concepts and theories in evaluating human interaction and institution and understanding the society as a whole from both from national and global perspective.
0314-5102 Deviant Behavior
This course looks at the relationship between deviance and social norms with special reference to industrial societies and the growth of the state apparatus. Control, crime and delinquency are evaluated in light of major social science theories. Islamic theories of deviance are also proposed. It includes the discussion on, conformity and deviance norms and sanctions-laws, crimes, punishment-biological and psychological theories of crime and deviance.
0314-5103 Contemporary Social System
This course covers aspects of various social systems. Basic characteristics of social systems such as social life, family life, inheritance, relatives, neighborhood, community, social justice, unity and women are discussed.
0314-5104 Sociology of Bangladesh
Sociology of Bangladesh studies the social history, culture, and economy, political and social structure of Bangladesh from a sociological perspective which enhances the understanding of Bangladesh Society in a wider context.
0314-5106 Theories of Social Problems
This course analyzes the major social problems in contemporary societies, their nature, development and social causes. It examines the impact of problems such as poverty, crime, drug addiction and prejudice on the individual and society and possible solutions for social problems are discussed from theoretical perspective.
0314-5107 Sociology of family and marriage
This course explores the diversity of marriage and family patterns. It also examines how society molds people’s expectations and behavior concerning marriage and family. The impact of modernization, urbanization and industrialization on the family is also discussed with special reference to Bangladesh. The course also evaluates critically the status of women in some Muslim and non-Muslim societies. Some topics in the course will also be examined from the Islamic perspective, such as parenting.
0314-5109 Contemporary Social Structure in Bangladesh
The course will deal with the development of social structure of contemporary Bangladesh since 1947. Concentration will be given to the study of the social structure preceding British rule and the changes brought about by British rule in the tradition-bound society. Particular emphasis will be given to the impact of British rule on the socio-economic system of pre-British Bangladesh.
0314-5205 Theory of Social Change
This course deals with the concept of theory and covers topics such as sociological theory, methodological approaches to social change, and different schools of social change. Students of M.S.S can learn Causes of social change, Technological factors of social change and impact of social Change in the society and the modern theories of Social Change. After completion of this course student can able to learn solve the problems from the society.
0314-5206 Sociology of Capitalism, Secularism and Islam
This course guides to the understanding of fundamental aspects of Capitalism, secularism and Islam through the coverage of Sociology. Students of this program will be familiarized with the Origin and development of capitalism under the perspectives of two famous Western Sociologists namely Karl Marx and Max Weber. Marx’s class struggle or conflict theory in the capitalist society and Weber’s Protestant Ethics on the rise of Capitalism dominantly uphold in this course.
0314-5207 Classical Sociological Theory
This course deals with the classical theory of sociology as a discipline. Major topics to be covered are Auguste Comte: Hierarchy of the Science, the three stages of development, social statics and social dynamics; religion of humanity and positivism. Herbert Spencer: Social Darwinism, Evolution of society, functionalism. Karl Marx: Historical and Dialectical Materialism, concept of man, labor, surplus value, alienation. Modes of production, transition from feudalism of capitalism, class and class conflicts, socialism and communism. Emile Durkheim: Social facts and methodology, solidarity, religion and society. Max Weber: Methodology, Economy, Religion Rationality and authority. Pareto: Psychoanalysis, elite theory.
0314-5208 Religion and Society
This course will deal with the following topics, such as; meaning and scope of sociology of religion, sociological approaches to the study of religion, religion, culture and system of collective representation, religious organization-nature, types, function, religious pluralism; religion, social movements and secularism, religion, society and state.
0314-5209 Development Studies
Poverty and Development: Understand the concepts of poverty and development, Measure levels of poverty and development, Identify patterns of development and characteristics of countries at different levels of development, Analyze social and health issues in relation to poverty and development, Describe, explain and analyze how political issues affect poverty and development, Industrial Development, Trade and Globalization: Understand the concept of industrialization and the processes of production, Understand the growth and role of world trade since the 1950s, Understand the function and impact of foreign investment on development, Understand the process of globalization and evaluate its impacts, Understand di erent approaches to development, Population and Development: Understand the reasons for and impact of population change, Understand the nature, causes and impacts of urbanization, Understand the reasons for and impacts of international migration, Investigate the implications of rapid population growth on a country or area and analyze strategies for dealing with the issue, Environment and Development: Develop an understanding and appreciation of the nature of rural development, Recognize the growth and importance of a world market for agricultural products, Understand the impacts of changes in agriculture and investigate strategies to ensure sustainable development, Understand the reasons for and impact of global environmental problems and investigate strategies to reduce them, Understand how natural disasters a ect development.
0314-5210 Sociology of Modernity
Modernity and its nature, importance and scope, change to modernity in different fields, defining characteristics of modernity, Principles of modernity, modernity and the contemporary society, crisis of modernity, closure of modernity, decolonizing modernity pluralization of practices, modernity and self-identity, incoherent practices and postmodern selves, the current condition of modernity and Post-modernity.
0314-5214 Medical Sociology
The definition and distribution of disease and sickness; the organization and delivery of health care; the conflicts and politics of health, epidemiology, illness behavior, the sic role, doctor-patient interaction, physicians and socialization, nursing, hospitals-patient role, health care delivery and social policy in Bangladesh, health care in developing countries.
0314-5313 Social Stratification and Inequality
The course examine theoretical framework of stratification and evaluate class scheme. It also conceptualizes social stratification in developing countries as well as Bangladesh and it also study social mobility.
0314-5319 Research Methodology
Research methodology is the theoretical aspect of social research which is ordained to understand social research and methods of social research which includes wide understanding of both qualitative and quantitative method.
0314-5320 Applied Research Methodology
Applied research methodology is the applied aspect of social research which basic aim is to construct sociological theories by practical field research.
0314-5727 Water Politics and Development
The politics of water is an expanding are of scholarship and research, an expansion related to the increasing concern about a pending global water crisis. This concern is now a major component of global and national development agendas.
This course will familiarize the students about the tools and techniques of the study of social statistics. Major topics to be covered are: meaning and scope, descriptive statistic, descriptions through tables and graphs, central (mean, median and mode) tendencies describing variations, classification of data, graphs polygon and histogram, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, average deviation, standard deviation, and quartile, correlation-rank difference correlation and product-moment correlation and chi-square test.
0314-6311 Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment
This course will focus on the detailed discussion on the development and underdevelopment. Major topics include concepts of development, institutional development, processes of development, and dependence.
0314-6313 Contemporary Sociological Theories
This course offers a thorough study of the contemporary sociological theories. Topics include: simmed and sorokein, T. Parson: social action theory, systems theory; functionalism; and its impact on later sociology. R. Merton: Functionalism; theory of deviance; Mannheim: Sociology of knowledge; Function. G.H. Mead, Mills and Frankfurt School, Social exchange theory; Goffman and Dramatargly; Sociology in crisis; Kuhn, Mills, Gouldner, Andreski, the coser debate.
0314-6314 Sociology of Agrarian Societies
This course deals with the history of agrarian societies, modes of production, transformation of the agrarian societies, agricultural surplus generation, agrarian revolution and industrial development, value systems in agrarian societies, modernization, and the Bangladeshi agrarian society.
0314-6415 Problems and Issues of Development in South Asia
Sustainable development in South Asia, South Asia as region. Major topics include; conceptual and theoretical approaches to underdevelopment and development in South Asia, Modernization, Dependency, World system and Neo-Marxism, Social Structure South Asia, Contemporary debates on modes of production in South Asia, Population, resources and environment in south Asia, Agrarian Structure and rural development in South Asia, process and problem of Urbanization in south Asia, Industrialization in South Asia, Patterns in Industrial Growth and problems of Industrialization, Foreign Aid, trade and investment in South Asia, Regional Cooperation in South Asia for Development, Cultural change in South Asia, nature of religious re‘lism and cultural dependency.
0314-6416 Thesis Project
Students will also write a multi-disciplinary thesis, learning to draw across disciplines to focus on one specific problem, study the literature to develop an expertise in the area of inquiry, articulate arguments logically and coherently, and express themselves with clarity and eloquence. Each student will work closely with a faculty mentor who will guide them in their academic studies and professional development. Outstanding dissertations may take the form of a publication.s
0314-6419 Sociology of Youth
This course will examine the stage of life known as ‘youth’ in all its complexity. By providing an in-depth understanding of youth and young people, the course also will offer students a unique and incisive view of the new society itself. It will explain the integration of youth to the new economy and the development of new social identity.