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The BSS (Hon’s) in Sociology and Anthropology aims acquainting students with basic concepts and ideas of sociology with a view to equipping the learners with a sound foundation in the discipline. Students will learn about the problems facing man as a social being and possible solutions in order to achieve wellbeing of human beings as individuals and also the society of which they are members. Besides the core discipline, there will be some interdisciplinary courses that are expected to help prepare the students to adjust to varying social conditions in the quest for both individual and collective welfare. After completing this degree student would be able to build up career in different GOs & NGOs, CPD, BDRC etc. by applying theoretical and empirical knowledge of Sociology and Anthropology.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirement of BSS (Hon’s) in Sociology and Anthropology is a Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or any other equivalent level of education.



Admission into the BSS in Sociology and Anthropology is on a competitive basis. Candidates are selected for admission on the basis of past academic records, written tests and/or a viva examination.


Graduation Requirements

A student admitted to this program will have to complete 144 credit hours (48 courses) out of which 69 credit hours (23 courses) consist of core courses while the remaining 36 credit hours (12 courses), 36 credit hours (12 courses) and 3 credits hours are from a general interdisciplinary body of knowledge, elective courses and monograph writing. A student must obtain at least a ‘C’ grade to pass any individual course.



The minimum number of credit hours that a student must take per semester is 18 and the maximum is 24. This may be relaxed only with special permission of the appropriate authority. Maximum academic years of completion are 7 years.


Distribution of Courses

General Courses

12 courses (36 credit hours)



Bengali Language and Literature



Communicative Skill



Biography of the Prophet



Islamic Ethics



Islamic Civilization



History of Emergence of Bangladesh



Bangladesh Studies



Comparative Political Systems



Introduction to Political Science



Demographic Issues-Policy, Planning and Services



Human Resource Development



Basics of Computers


Core Courses

23 courses (69 credit hours)



Introduction to Sociology



Introduction to Anthropology



Contemporary Social Systems



Sociology of Bangladesh



Sociological Theory I



Social Problems



Rural Sociology



Social Structure of Bangladesh



Sociology of Health and Illness



Social Stratification



Urban Sociology



Gender and Development Studies



Sociology of Politics and Government



Contemporary Muslim and Western Societies



Sociological Theory II



Methods of Social Research I



Methods of Social Research II



Law and Society






Islamic Ideology and Muslim Society



Comparative Legal Systems



Introduction to Women’s Studies


Elementary Statistics



Elective courses

12 courses (36 credit hours)



Sociology of Marriage and Family



Sociology of Economic Behavior



Sociology of Poverty



Social Control



Religious Beliefs and Rituals



Social Psychology



Comparative Studies of Societies and Communities



Population and Society



Sociology of Education



Social Anthropology



Environmental Sociology



Applied Sociology and Anthropology


Capstone Course/ Internship/ Thesis/ Projects: 3 credits hours



Monograph Writing




Note: For description of courses, please see Section 29.


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0232-1114 Communicative skill

Studying Communication English, the students would get themselves more competent in their job fields. English communication skills by improving fluency through regular practice and speaking drills; expanding vocabulary by at least 300 words through assignments and class work and developing a solid of understanding of basic grammar structures - like nouns, verbs and adjectives - through class reading and speaking tasks.


0222-1107 Biography of Prophet

This course covers the history of the world as found in the Quran and Hadith starting from the time of Prophet Adam up to Prophet Isa.


0221-1207 Islamic Ethics

Islam is the complete code of life. Now a day’s world is not peaceful because of the man in the world are very aggressive and non-ethical. So that, Islamic Ethics course is very important for leading excellent life in the society and making batter world. Every man has to maintain Al-Akhlaq-e Hamidah and Ihsan according to order of creator. It is very essential to encourage for learning and implementing this type of activity.


0222-2114 Islamic Civilization

The course will describe the exuberant history of Islamic civilization. The topic includes Khalifa and social structure of Muslim society where we found interesting reflection of Islamic civilization like the architecture, city planning and environmental consciousness.


0312-2410 History of Emergence of Bangladesh

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge with a historical sense of the past of this country under internal colonialism that covered the life of two decades while remaining as eastern past of erstwhile united Pakistan. The objective of this course is to give the students information and knowledge about the state of the economy, politics, power structure, governance, and decisions of decisive consequences by the state apparatus and the conditions of employment, bureaucracy, military, language, culture, education in comparative perspectives with the then West Pakistan vis-à-vis erstwhile East Pakistan. The protest movements and struggles one after another and the stages of development towards the autonomy of East Pakistan and then towards liberation for bringing it out of internal colonialism would be learned by the students. Thus, they will have thorough knowledge about the history of the emergence of independent Bangladesh through the armed struggle of people's war nature in 1971.This course has been designed for under graduate students to help them get acquainted with the rich history of Bangladesh and subsequently understand present Bangladesh in the light of history. The course will eventually enhance their understanding of the current phenomena in the wide backdrop of historical proceedings which will make them responsible national and global citizens. This course provides insightful information and analysis about our socio-political, economic, and cultural origins of the people with which we might have been less familiar, and thereby increasing our awareness, patriotism, and affinity as a worthy citizen of the country.


0312-2210 Bangladesh Studies

The course provides students with a general understanding of various topics covering the overall concept of Bangladesh’s history, society, economics, and politics. This is a multidisciplinary course designed to equip students with knowledge about two focal themes relating to Bangladesh. The first theme is the inevitability of the emergence of Bangladesh as a state entity in the context of a long historical background starting from the 4th Century B.C., and the second theme draws attention to the experience of Bangladesh as a small state in the Third World in governance and democratization. The course contents are arranged and presented in a way that avoids unnecessary factual details and emphasizes major themes and trends to get across the twin objectives to students. The students attending this course are expected to be made aware of the past, present, and future of Bangladesh.


0312-1205 Comparative Social System

To study this course the students will learn comparative study regarding the contemporary political system. Comparative politics is a field in political science characterized either by the use of the comparative method or other empirical methods to explore politics within countries. Substantively, this can include questions relating to political institutions, political behavior, conflict, and the causes and consequences of Political Change and economic development. When applied to specific fields of study, comparative politics may be referred to by other names, such as “Comparative Government” (the comparative study Nature and forms of government).


0312-1101 Introductions to Political Science

The main rationale for the role of political science is to impart knowledge about society, state -, and politics. On the other hand, political science provides basic knowledge about the underlying problems related to policy and human behavior. And it is the fundamental concept of political science.


0922-2203 Demographic Issue-Policy, Planning and Services

Students are introduced to various topics related to population and demography, such as demographic data collection, theories of population and historical evolution of population policy in Bangladesh, family planning program in Bangladesh, role of NGOs in population control in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh population, and instruments of population control.


0922-3222 Human Resource development

By accomplishing this course, student will be able to understand the indicators of human development, its importance and how population can be transformed from burden to resources.


061-1101 Basics of Computer 

The objective of this course is to teach fundamentals of computers, uses of computers, scope and advantages of computers and future of computer and information technology. The basic concepts of software and hardware, sys-tem software, application software and networking software will be covered. Students will also acquire knowledge on operating systems, graphics and presentation, and database management systems.


0314-1101 Introductions to Sociology

This course attempts to make students understand sociological perspective, discuss specific areas of study within sociology, synthesize the local and global nature and impacts of social circumstances, critically examine theoretical perspectives and apply them to current issues. On successful completion of this course students would be able to analyze everyday social process and current event, demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between social context and individual factors underlying human diversity, demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of social power in contemporary society, know how to conduct social scientific research and employ competing sociological theories to explain social phenomena.


0314-1102 Introductions to Anthropology

This course provides a general introduction to anthropology and its sub-disciplines, including physical anthropology, prehistoric cultures, social anthropology, and applied anthropology. Major topics to be covered include social and cultural evolutionism, society and culture, the concept of social structure, society and social order, applied anthropology with special reference to the third world countries, anthropology in the context of social and economic development, tradition and modernization.


0314-1103 Contemporary Social Systems

This course covers aspects of various social systems. Basic characteristics of social systems such as social life, family life, inheritance, relatives, neighborhood, community, social justice, unity and women are discussed.



0314-1104 Sociology of Bangladesh

Sociology of Bangladesh studies the social history, culture, and economy, political and social structure of Bangladesh from a sociological perspective which enhances the understanding of Bangladesh Society in a wider context.


0314-1105 Sociological Theory I

This course delineates both the theoretical and applied knowledge of social thought. It is designed for graduates about the major theoretical aspects of sociologist in the world. Student will learn about the views of Greek, Roman, Asian, European, Muslim and Non- Muslim thinkers and will be able to apply this theoretical perspective in their practical life and social life.


0314-1106 Social Problems

This course analyzes the major social problems in contemporary societies, their nature, development and social causes. It examines the impact of problems such as poverty, crime, drug addiction and prejudice on the individual and society. Possible solutions for social problems are discussed.


0314-1109 Rural Sociology

Rural Sociology is a field of applied sociology associated with the study of social life in non-metropolitan areas. This discipline studies rural life in a scientific way where social arrangements and peoples’ behavior distanced from point of concentrated population or economic activity.


0314-1207 Sociology of Marriage and Family

This course explores the diversity of marriage and family patterns. It also examines how society molds people’s expectations and behavior concerning marriage and family. The impact of modernization, urbanization and industrialization on the family is also discussed with special reference to Bangladesh. The course also evaluates critically the status of women in some Muslim and non-Muslim societies. Some topics in the course will also be examined from the Islamic perspective, such as parenting.


0314-1208 Sociology of Economic Behavior

The course examines the relationship between economy and social structure. It focuses on answering several major concerns in sociological thought including the relationship between economy and order, economy and population, economy and family, state and economy and the role of religion in shaping economic behavior. The course will also explore contemporary issues such as business ethics and inequality in work place. Some of these topics will be examined from Islamic perspectives.


0314-1209 Social Structure of Bangladesh

The course will deal with the historical development of the social structure of Bangladesh up to 1947 and the development of social structure of contemporary Bangladesh since 1947. Concentration will be given to the study of the social structure preceding British rule and the changes brought about by British rule in the tradition-bound society. Particular emphasis will be given to the impact of British rule on the socio-economic system of pre-British Bangladesh.


0314-1210 Sociology of Poverty

The objective of this course is to provide the students with in-depth knowledge of poverty. Topics include political context of poverty, extent of poverty, trends in urban and rural poverty, measurement of poverty, the relationships of poverty to urbanization, households, aging, and racism, and poverty alleviation.


0314-1212 Sociology of Health and Medicine

This course discusses health and society. Topics include health in pre-industrial, poor and industrial societies, health and tele-medicine in Bangladesh, social epidemiology, the distribution of health, eating disorders, smoking, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, ethical issues, the medical establishment, theoretical analysis of health and medicine, and health and medicine in twenty- rst century.


0314-2311 Social Control

Social control is the study of the social structure between individuals and their societies. Social control involves the processes by which people are taught, urged or coerced into being a part of an intricate reticulation of relationships, statuses and roles that involve patterns of behavior and expectations from self and others.


0314-2312 Religious Beliefs and Rituals

The course will deal with the following topics: Anthropological approaches to the study of religion, beliefs and rituals. origin and development of religion - religious beliefs and rituals - strategies of mystical attack - world religions - overview of the functions of religion in human societies - religion, change and development - dynamics of religion.

0314-2313 Social Stratification

In this course, critical analysis is made of the issues of caste and class. Theories of stratification and the social psychology of class are evaluated. Class as a secular culture is proposed, as well as the possibility that there is no objective definition of class. Major topics to be covered are: meaning and scope of social stratification, Islamic view of social stratification, dimensions of social stratification, theories of social stratification and types of social stratification, social mobility and social stratification in Bangladesh.


0314-2314 Urban Sociology

The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the subject-matter of urban sociology, Social and cultural contexts of the emergence of urban sociology, development of urban sociology as a field of study. The urban development: precondition of city life and ancient urbanization: Sjoberg, Childe, the rise of medieval town in Europe: Weber, Pirenne. Megacities around the world, neighborhood: Definition and approaches, its types and functions. Social Stratification and the metropolis, metropolitan problems: urban poverty, racism, gender and underclass, crime and drugs, housing, homelessness crises. Third world urbanization, urban planning, urban governance, urban culture etc.

0314-2315 Gender and Development Studies

This course deals with concepts such as sex and gender, feminism, improvement of status of women, and women in Bangladesh.


0314-2316 Sociology of Politics and Government

This course introduces students to the power and authority: traditional authority, rational-legal authority, and politics in global perspective: monarchy, democracy, authoritarianism and totalitarianism, a global political system. Politics in United States: US Culture and the growth of government, the political spectrum, special-interest groups, voter apathy, politics of Bangladesh up to present, political participation of women. Theoretical analysis of power in society: The pluralist model, the power-elite model, power beyond the rules: revolution, terrorism, war and peace: The causes of war, militarism and the arms race, nuclear weapons and war, social diversity and the military, the pursuit of peace, politics in the twenty- 1st century.


0314-2414 Contemporary Muslim and Western Societies

Sociological analysis of selected Muslim and western societies, their histories, and current problems. Patterns of convergence with and divergence from Islamic norms are considered throughout. Major topics to be covered are: The Islamic legacy and the historical experience of Muslim ummah, the contemporary Muslim world: Demographic and ethnic composition, Muslim minorities and Muslim minorities in western societies, Muslim minorities in eastern societies, problems and challenges of Muslim societies. Focus on emergence of industrial society, its major institutions, secular politics, and economic competition. Social problems associated with industrialized societies, such as labor, family, crime, and delinquency are examined. It also includes the discussion on freedom, control and the future of industrial society.


0314-2416 Social Psychology

This course will compare and contrast the major theories, concepts, empirical findings, methods and techniques used in social psychology (assessed by in-class exercises, assignments, quizzes, and exams). Show knowledge of the key substantive content of the field of psychology, including memory and thinking, sensory psychology and physiology, developmental psychology, clinical and abnormal psychology, and social psychology.


SOC 2418 Comparative Studies of Societies and Communities

The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the different societies and communities. India in historical perspective: Key issues in Indian history, Indian culture: Nature of Hindu culture, nature of Muslim culture, religious movement, United Kingdom: feudalism, transition from feudalism to capitalism, industrial revolution, understanding British culture, British social institutions-family and political parties, British class structure, Japan: Japan in historical perspective, Tokugawa era, Meiji restoration, Japanese culture-value of harmony, social structure, class structure and inequality in modern Japan. Mexico: Mexico in historical perspective, Mexican culture, dualities in Mexican culture, social structure and group life, Mexican social institutions-family and political parties, Mexican class structure, social in contemporary Mexico. Egypt: Egypt in historical perspective, Egyptian culture-religious value, values of community, generosity and honor, social structure-extended family, clan, marriage, social structure, class structure and inequality in Egypt, social in contemporary Egypt. China: pre-modern China: values, philosophy of Confucius and Buddhism, social classes: gentry and bureau-cracy, agrarian structure, communist revolution, Cultural Revolution and modernization in China. Communities in Bangladesh: Chakma, Garo, Santals, Monipuris, Khasias, Rakhain.


0314-3518 Sociological Theory II

The main objectives of the studying the course is to appear the classical and the contemporary theory in the social sciences. The aim of this course is to understanding of various schools of thought existing in sociology and anthropology. Students also obtain knowledge about the major aspects of contemporary theories of post-structuralism/ Post-modernism/ Feminism and Post-colonialism. The course also highlights through exposure in the techniques of various social thought relevant to the social sciences and humanities.


0314-3519 Methods of Social Research I

The objectives of methods of social research are the understanding of scientific method, different research design, selection of problems, literature review and types of social research. Students will learn knowledge of selecting research problem and steps of research empirical research. They also learn data collection methods, data analysis and Report writing which is very necessary as a student of social science faculty.


0314-3520 Methods of Social Research II

This course help students to identify appropriate research topic, identify the types of methods best suited for investigating different types of problems. Students will also learn how to select sampling method and how representative samples are obtained. This course will also address different research design and their appropriate application to hypothesis testing. Students will also learn describe quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research. They will also learn ethical principle of research, ethical challenges and approval processes.


0314-3521 Population and Society

Evaluates theories of population and population change. Problems of mortality and fertility are examined. Major topics to be included such as concepts and definitions of population and housing, Population distribution in Bangladesh, rural-urban migration, international immigration, urban population, housing and squatters, the informal sector, population and human resources development, population issues and population policy in Bangladesh.


0314-3622 Sociology of Education

Sociology of Education examines the significance of curriculum development as well as different social agencies in education, traces educational inequalities, based in ethnicity and gender. It also focuses on the role of teacher and evaluates different educational policies to ensure quality education for all.


0314-3624 Law and Society

Law & Society is a new and innovative course which offers a sociological understanding of the nature of law. This course analyzes the interrelationship between law and society as well as shows the social embedded-ness of law, the way it functions in society and its effects upon society.


0314-3625 Criminology

The main rationale of this course is an introduction to the study of crime from the sociological perspective. The course will be an examination of sources of crime, society’s reaction to crime, and the criminal justice system.


0314-4726 Social Anthropology

Status of social anthropology and relationships with other social sciences. Focus on tribal life, social organization, religion, economy, and leadership. Examination of selected theories, including evolutionary theories and pattern and psychological schools.


0314-4829 Environmental Sociology

Students of this course are given an introduction to the scope and importance of environmental sociology, with special reference to the Bangladeshi ecosystem and society. This course also deals with theories related to environmental sociology, environmental disasters, environmental policies, major environmental issues and global environmental concerns, ecological zones in Bangladesh, environmental planning, and prospects of environmental sociology in Bangladesh.


0314-4830 Islamic Ideology and Muslim Society

Islamic ideology and Muslim Society are to understand Islamic Society, characteristics of Islamic Society, Islamic approaches towards society. This course will offer comparison of various Muslims societies as Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arab, Philippines and Egypt.


0314-4831 Applied Sociology and Anthropology

This course is designed to understand students the concept of sociological and Anthropological theory and practices. Theories related to sociology as Sociology of disaster Sociology of education, Economic sociology, Sociology of fatherhood, Sociology of motherhood Feminist Sociology etc. On the other hand family conflict, poverty, Early Marriage, Deviant behavior, political conflict etc are the main applied issues of applied Anthropology. After completion this course students can learn about theories related to sociology and anthropological problems.



0314-4845Comparative Legal Systems

This course focuses on basic substantive and procedural principles of entities of 3 major legal systems, namely common law system, civil law system and Islamic legal system. It aims to provide an elementary analysis of these legal systems in terms of founding philosophy, making of law, sources of law, judiciary system and execution of law.


0314-4855 Introduction to Women’s Studies

This interdisciplinary course introduces students to Women’s Studies including its roots in the feminist and civil rights movements, the construction of gender in culture and society giving special attention to medical and social institutions and forms of gender inequality in the family, workplace, religion, health care and relationships.


0314-4858 Elementary Statistics

Recommended prerequisite: Basic college mathematics course. Basic social statistics, covering descriptive statistics, tables, charts, summary measures, central tendency, regression and correlation, and statistical inference, sampling, predictive models, analysis of variance, non-parametric and parametric tests, and simple multivariate analysis.


0314- 1211 Monograph Writing

Monograph writing is a detailed written study of a single specialized subject on an aspect of it. At the completion of BSS a students would complete a written study on an issue related to social phenomena.