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- MSS in GP -





The objective of the MSS in Government and Politics program is to provide students with advanced knowledge in government and politics. The curriculum focuses on both the general nature of politics and the workings of the government.

 Entry Requirements


The entry requirement for the MSS in Government and Politics program is a Bachelor's degree or any other equivalent level of education recognized by the authorities.



Admission into the MSS in Government and Politics program is on a competitive basis. Candidates are selected for admission on the basis of past academic records, written tests and/or a viva examination.


 Graduation Requirements


A student with a bachelor's degree (Hons) in Government and Politics or Master's (Preliminary) in Government and Politics/ Political Science will have to complete 36 credit hours (Group A) while a student with a bachelor's degree (pass) with Government and Politics courses will have to complete 54 credit hours (Group B), and a student with a bachelor's degree without Government and Politics courses will have to take 60 credit hours (Group C) to complete the MSS in Government and Politics program.Students have the option to replace 2 courses (6 credit hours) with a thesis subject to the approval of the Department of Government and Politics. A student must obtain at least a `C' grade to pass any individual course.

Course Load


The minimum number of credit hours that a student must take per semester is 18. This may be relaxed only with special permission from the appropriate authority.